Hip Disarticulation or Hemipelvectomy
Hip Disarticulation or Hemipelvectomy
- What You Might Expect During the First 12 Months as a Lower-Limb Amputee
- Importance of Gait Training
- Higher Challenges: The Hip Disarticulation and Transpelvic Amputation Levels
- Higher Challenges, Part 2
- Higher Challenges, Part 3
- Fitting for Hip Disarticulation and Hemipelvectomy Level Amputations
- Advances in Hip Disarticulation Socket Design
- The Prosthetic Knee
- Prosthetic Feet
- Prosthetic Socks and Liners
- The Pelvic Leveler: An alternative to a sitting socket
- HPHD Help Website
Related Resources
- An Overview of Crutches
- Focus on Bilateral Above-Knee Amputees
- Identifying and Managing Skin Issues with Lower-Limb Prosthetic Use
- Looking Ahead at Computer-Controlled Knees
- Prosthetic Knee Systems
- Risky Business: The Potentially Dangerous Consequences of Choosing Not to Wear Your Lower-Limb Prosthesis
- Tips For Enhancing Your Success as a User of a Lower-Limb Prosthesis
- When a Prosthesis or Mobility Device Isn’t Enough
- When to Replace a Prosthesis