I am having a lot of issues with my leg and it may need to be amputated. Should I keep trying to save it or have it amputated right away?
I am not a medical doctor and am not qualified to give medical advice, although I am an amputee. Making decisions about when to stop saving a limb can be extremely difficult. There is always the hope that the limb can possibly be salvaged and the fear about living the rest of your life as an amputee.
A study from the VA and the Naval Health Research Center looked at a group of wartime amputees. They examined the medical records of 625 troops with severe lower limb injuries between 2001 and 2008. The study found that the group who had their legs amputated right away seemed to do better than those who waited or who had reconstructive surgery. The study found that those vets had lower rates of infection as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.
The study does not examine the reasons why people who have their legs amputated right away do best, although experts say that those veterans may have psychological benefits, including a certain outcome and not being forced to wait for a decision. However, the study did find that all amputees had a relatively high level of PTSD.
If you are possibly facing an amputation, talk with your doctor about your options for saving your limb, and get a second opinion. As part of the process, remember that you have legal rights as well. You may be able to pursue a civil case related to your amputation if it was caused by the negligence of another party.
Call me, Amputation Attorney Conal Doyle at 310-385-0567. I can help. Call to learn more or to schedule a free consultation. I am also an amputee and can help you get the compensation you deserve.