$525,000 Settlement-Insurance Bad Faith-Denial of Prosthetic Benefits

Insurance Bad Faith

Conal Doyle obtained a $525,000 settlement on behalf of an amputee whose health insurance company denied his claim for a myoelectric prosthetic arm (i-limb). The large health insurance company denied the arm-arguing that the claimant should wear a ‘body powered’ prosthesis, essentially a manual arm slung over one shoulder with a “hook” at the end. The plaintiff, a young actor, student, and father of two young girls, persisted, arguing that he needed a myoelectric arm to obtain acting jobs and to safely interact with his children. After suit was filed, and before discovery began, a settlement was reached where the defendant approved the claim for the i-limb (paying out more than $125,000), and settled the damages claim for an additional $525,000. Due to his national reputation in the field, Mr. Doyle obtained this recovery without taking a single deposition.

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