Was A Car Accident the Cause of Your Amputation? We Can Help You Start Rebuilding

Experiencing a car accident, even under the best circumstances, is a painful and exhausting experience. It’s something that consumes your time, money and energy in resolving. Add a physical injury to this, and you’ve got a long, stressful road to go down to get back to normal. And if you’ve lost a limb because of your car accident, then you have the most difficult challenge of all — adjusting to a completely new life.

The law firm of Doyle Law can help you with that new life by getting you the benefits and compensation you need to start down the path to recovery.

Doyle Law Can Help You Get Your Life Back

Our attorneys understand one simple fact: most car accidents result from a specific cause. And usually that cause is the negligence of another driver, which leads to tragic results. The law says that whenever a driver gets behind the wheel of a car, he or she makes a commitment to drive cautiously and attentively at all times. When a driver fails to do this, the law says they are responsible for the consequences. It’s up to the driver—and their insurance company—to provide you with the resources needed for your recovery. We can help you get that.

Doyle Law understands car accidents, and we understand amputations. Conal Doyle, one of our founding partners, is a right leg amputee who has used an artificial limb for over 30 years. We truly know what you are going through and understand your case…. and we can take you through everything step-by-step, including:

  • What to say to your insurance company and doctors
  • What kind of compensation you can expect, based on a detailed explanation of your rehabilitation needs
  • What you can expect for your pain and suffering
  • What the process of recovery will be like
  • And more

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Our attorneys have the professional experience in dealing with car accidents, and we have the personal experience in dealing with amputations. We understand what you’re going through—and we’ll make sure the law knows it too.

Contact us today, and we’ll set up a time and place for a consultation. Call us at 310-385-0567.

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